Charles C. Roberts, Jr. Ph.D., P.E.
Claims Magazine January 2011
Figure 1 is a photo
of a typical glass fiber substrate asphalt shingle, a common roofing shingle
used throughout the United
States. A fiberglass mat is impregnated with
asphalt and then coated with a ceramic grit called granules. Claims of roof
shingle wind damage often arise when discovering curling of the shingle tabs
after a severe wind storm (Figures 2 and 3). Curling is typically a long term
related deterioration of the shingle brought on by a variety of causes not
related to wind damage.

Figure 1
The following are
typical causes of shingle curling:
- The purpose of the sealing strip is to
hold the neighboring shingle tabs down to prevent curling or lift during
high winds. If the shingles are installed improperly where the sealing
strip does not line up with the next shingle according to the
manufacturer’s recommendation, then the shingle tabs will not be secure
and will curl upward or inward over time.

Figure 2

Figure 3
- Improper nailing is a common cause of
shingle curl. In Figure 1, the nails are placed according to the shingle
manufacturer’s recommendations. In Figure 4, a nail has been driven into
the sealing strip which limits the effectiveness of the seal on the
sealing strip. Over time, as a result of thermal cycles (heating during
the day and cooling at night) the nail can back out, causing the shingle
tab to lift and part from the seal, causing curling as shown in Figures 4
and 5. Also, insufficient nailing can lead to curling.

Figure 4

Figure 5
- A lack of
attic space ventilation is another cause of shingle curl. Moisture evolves
in the attic as a result of moisture generation in the home and from the
outside environment. Normally, moisture laden air in a well ventilated
attic will be swept away by air flow and not cause a problem. In poorly
ventilated attics, water vapor will increase and water will eventually
condense on the roof sheathing. As the sheathing becomes moisture laden, shingle
curling can occur. A lack of attic space ventilation can also cause high
attic temperatures which can reduce the effectiveness of the sealing strip
adhesive, causing curling over time. Most building codes require at least
one square foot of free air opening for every 150 square feet of attic
area. In homes with an acceptable vapor retarder,
300 square feet of attic space is allowed per one square foot of open
ventilation area. Of course, attic ventilation openings should be
distributed so that approximately 50% of the open area is at the ridge and
approximately 50% at the soffits.
- Product defects are also a possible
cause of shingle curling. Inadequate adhesion of bituminous coating and
grit, poor quality substrate, deterioration rates higher than that put
forth in warranties and inadequate sealing strip are all problems
associated with defective manufacture. The recent evolution of class action
suits against CertainTeed regarding premature
failure of organic substrate shingles is an example of premature
degradation of shingles. Figures 6a & 6b are photographs of 25 year
warranty, CertainTeed shingles, 9 years after installation. There is evidence of inward
curling and loss of granules from cracking of the cardboard substrate,
which easily deteriorates in normal weather related conditions.

Figure 6a

Figure 6b
In conclusion, fractured
shingle tabs can be related to wind damage, however curling of shingles is a
long term problem associated with lack of ventilation, improper installation or
product associated defects.