Figure 1 is a view of some of the electronic apparatus that is starting to be
used by the claims profession. The digital camera is being employed as a
substitute for film photography. The digital camera generates instant
images, which can be downloaded onto a computer, incorporated into
reporting software and sent to the regional office via the Internet. High
resolution printers can print photo quality prints for inclusion into a paper
report; however the higher cost of photo quality paper may limit the
printing to a few selected photos in order to maintain cost effectiveness.
On the flip side (bleeding edge), downloading and filing of digital images
can be time consuming. Adjusting pixel size for optimal resolution yet
minimizing digital image file size can take time. Due to the larger file
sizes required for high resolution photographs, the standard “floppy disk”
may only hold 2-3 images. The compact disc (CD) is a solution to the
problem. Digital images can be copied to CD’s for storage and 35 mm
photos can be scanned for archiving onto CD’s. Saving the photos on the
original memory cards may not be advisable as they can only be read by
the specific camera used and data may be lost through exposure to
magnets or other environmental conditions. Dropping off photo film at a
local drug store and selecting a few photos for scanning in a document
scanner or slide scanner (Figure 1) may be more time efficient. Some drug
store photographic departments may also transfer photos from film to disk
or CD’s. Photo quality and resolution may vary depending on the service
used. Digital cameras require a relatively large amount of battery power,
so backup batteries or in-field charging capability is recommended. There
is also in a lack of image clarity when taking photos with dynamic
movements. This can be compensated for by using a digital video camera,
if needed. One legalism that has arisen with digital photography is rooted
in the ability to alter or adjust digital photographs. If a claim proceeds to
litigation, the adjuster should be prepared to testify in court that the photos
were unaltered. When making copies of digital images for opposing
attorneys, make sure you copy the images onto a new, unused disk. If you
select a used disk and simply delete the previous files, it should be noted
that through the use of computer utility programs, these files can be
recovered and read by others. Despite the many advantages of the digital
camera, it may be premature to throw out the 35 mm film camera.
Scanning devices have proven useful. The document scanner (Figure 1)
can digitize documents (such as repair invoices) and transmit them via the
Internet with virtually no loss of clarity, unlike faxes that suffer from a
loss of resolution. Older media such as slides can be scanned for inclusion
in reports or archives. If report photos are needed at the regional office
immediately, they can be on their way in minutes using the Internet.
Scanning a large number of photographs can be time consuming, so a
balance may be reached by selecting a few photos to transmit. Optical
character recognition software has improved, but one still has to proofread
the scanned document for errors that may have passed “spell check” but
obviously changed the meaning of the writing. It may be better to scan
documents with poor legibility as images rather than text documents, but
the resulting file size will be larger.
The digital video camera (Figure 1) has been a significant development in
resolution and clarity of motion picture media. Some digital video cameras
have options to take several, sequential, still images, which is an excellent
way to capture dynamic movements such as brake testing of an insured’s
vehicle. Most digital video cameras have an IEEE 1394 standard interface
(fire wire) which allows direct archiving onto a CD or DVD (digital video
disk). A CD has only about a 15 minute digital video capacity while the
current DVD disk has up to 2 hours of video storage capacity.
Unfortunately, video file size can be so large that it is impractical to
transmit video imaging over the typical dial up Internet connection. For
traditional video formats such as VHS or 8mm, analog to digital (A-D)
converters are available to convert analog video to digital video for
storage on DVD’s. As yet, there is no single standard for DVD’s, resulting
in confusing (and incompatible) formats such as DVD-RW and
DVD+RW. Archiving long video tapes can be a problem since many
current analog to digital converters have a high enough error rate to cause
a “lock up” over a period of time during transfer.
The following table summarizes some of the advantages and disadvantages of digital technology as used in the claims’ profession:
Leading Edge Bleeding Edge
Instantly available imaging Time consuming to download images
Hidden archival costs
Paperless revolution Loss of claims documentation
Potential for altered images
Convenience of satellite office Large file sizes and archive
reporting requirements
Rapidly changing DVD technology
Digital imaging will certainly aid the claims professional in increasing
productivity in the workplace. As other entities such as insurance
companies, legal council and investigators come “on-line,” the utilization
of digital imaging will increase and could dominate paper based media in
the future. Despite the latest bells and whistles provided by the leading
edge of digital imaging technology, claims professionals appear to be
prudently adopting digital media and appear to be avoiding the
consequences of the “bleeding edge.”